Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let there be lights!

Many of the overhead light fixtures were installed yesterday. We selected these months ago so it was sort of a surprise to see them installed. The good news is we still liked them and they looked good! here are a few photos of our lights.

guest bedroom light

dining room and kitchen bar lights

Light in KP2 bedroom    
Casita bedroom light

Most of our lights are LED with a few CFLs. No incandescent which will save on a lot of electricity usage.

Here is another update on tiling. This is the casita bathroom. A real luxury we indulged in is heat mats in the bathrooms. So no more icy cold tile bathroom floors!
 We got a small, old clawfoot tub that will stand in the shower least until we are all too old to climb into a clawfoot tub! then we will remove and it will simply be a shower.

Also, here is an update on Karin's kitchen cabinet installation. She is nearly finished with the casita kitchen (see below) and is moving on to the main kitchen.
Casita kitchen cabinets
Finally, there was good progress made on the front wall. This will be covered with the same Cottonwood color stucco to match the house. the wall is not all the same height, which we think provides interest, views, while still providing some privacy. Here are some progress shots.

front wall outside casita

front wall outside main house
So you can see there is a lot going on right now! Unfortunately the roof installation has not started yet which concerns us because once the roof is in, they have to install the photo-voltaic panels and solar hot water...which is quite a bit of work. But we remain confident that we will be moving in early Feb.


  1. Everything looks beautiful, KPs!!

  2. Thanks Sue! Each day is a treat now to see what new has happened. We'll keep the photos coming!
